The Secret Formula For Winning

How Winners Think, How They Talk, and How They Act.

“Have you ever wondered why some people seem to win at everything they do, while others struggle to achieve their goals? Do you want to learn how to naturally slow down the aging process, achieve financial abundance, radiate beauty and charisma, and find true happiness with a loving partner? If so, then this book is for you.”

–J. Matthew Robinson


30 Minute Exploratory Session

Signup below TODAY!

Talk to Jack Robinson to discuss your areas of concern.

How the RUDAR Age-Defy Slimming Transformation Can Help You 

In a world where quick fixes are plenty, but real solutions are scarce, the RUDAR Age-Defy Slimming Transformation presents a game-changing approach tailored to your unique needs.

A Holistic Transformation

RUDAR isn't just another weight loss gimmick. Think of it as a LifeSolution that caters to the trifecta of your well-being: the mind, body, and soul. By syncing these elements harmoniously, we aim to rejuvenate you from the inside out, making you look and feel decades younger. 

Overcoming Deep-Seated Barriers

Have you ever felt stuck, as if invisible chains hold you back from your goals, especially in your journey to better health and weight loss? You're not alone. Many of us struggle with deep-rooted beliefs or habits that block our progress.

But what if there was a way not just to identify these barriers but to confront and dissolve them, allowing you to genuinely move forward?


The Secret Formula for Winning

RUDAR - The Secret Formula for Winning

Recently Released

How Winners think, how they talk, how they act.

“Have you ever wondered why some people seem to win at everything they do, while others struggle to achieve their goals? Do you want to learn how to naturally slow down the aging process, achieve financial abundance, radiate beauty and charisma, and find true happiness with a loving partner? If so, then this book is for you.”

–J. Matthew Robinson

Why We Keep

Coming up Short

Our Subconscious Mind is Running the Show, and it is Way out Thinking us  RUDAR is a term coined by J. Matthew Robinson, to describe a “proven ancient law” that is a Western application for manifesting all of the components necessary for winning in life, such as radiant health, abundant wealth, magnetic beauty, and amazing happiness. It is described as an engine inside the book “The Secret Formula for Winning.” –J. Matthew Robinson


We promise ourselves we will not drink today, yet somehow we find ourselves having just one more drink later in the night, call it a nightcap, as we add an extra 3000 empty calories for our night out to the total count for the day?

The Battles We Fight Each Day


How often do we commit to ourselves that we will not order the most fattening thing on the menu but find ourselves compelled to order and eat it anyway?


–J. Matthew Robinson


The Secret Formula For Winning

How Winners Think, How They Talk, and How They Act.

“Our false reality, built around who we are and what we will become, is too often shaped by what other people, mistakenly, think and believe about us. In contrast, what we think and believe about ourselves will make our ideal manifest when we act out of our vision. In short, either we become what they believe, or they become believers in what we believe! The choice is ours.

–J. Matthew Robinson

RUDAR ® - The Secret Formula For Winning

How Winners Think, How They Talk, and How They Act. “Have you ever wondered why some people seem to win at everything they do, while others struggle to achieve their goals? Do you want to learn how to naturally slow down the aging process, achieve financial abundance, radiate beauty and charisma, and find true happiness with a loving partner? If so, then this book is for you.” –J. Matthew Robinson

30 Minute Exploratory Session

Talk to Jack Robinson to discuss your areas of concern.

How the RUDAR Age-Defy Slimming Transformation Can Help You 

In a world where quick fixes are plenty, but real solutions are scarce, the RUDAR Age-Defy Slimming Transformation presents a game-changing approach tailored to your unique needs.

A Holistic Transformation

RUDAR isn't just another weight loss gimmick. Think of it as a LifeSolution that caters to the trifecta of your well-being: the mind, body, and soul. By syncing these elements harmoniously, we aim to rejuvenate you from the inside out, making you look and feel decades younger. 

Overcoming Deep-Seated Barriers

Have you ever felt stuck, as if invisible chains hold you back from your goals, especially in your journey to better health and weight loss? You're not alone. Many of us struggle with deep-rooted beliefs or habits that block our progress.

But what if there was a way not just to identify these barriers but to confront and dissolve them, allowing you to genuinely move forward?

Recently Released Book

The Secret Formula For Winning

How Winners think, how they talk, how they act.

“Have you ever wondered why some people seem to win at everything they do, while others struggle to achieve their goals? Do you want to learn how to naturally slow down the aging process, achieve financial abundance, radiate beauty and charisma, and find true happiness with a loving partner? If so, then this book is for you.”

–J. Matthew Robinson

What sets RUDAR® apart?

You've probably come across countless self-help methods that make big promises, but how many truly deliver? RUDAR® stands out in this crowd. Instead of just temporary feel-good vibes, RUDAR® takes you on a deep dive into your subconscious mind.

This inner space, your subconscious, isn't just a passive storage unit; it's the driving force behind most of your choices. From chasing big dreams to managing daily moods and even navigating hidden desires, everything flows from this powerful source. Now, when you harness this potential with RUDAR®, the transformation is undeniable:

How Does It Work?

RUDAR® is an easy to use Western application that helps you aggressively move toward making perfection manifest in all aspects of your life. Understanding and applying RUDAR® daily will balance and vastly increase your harmonic vibration and connectivity to the God Force. The greater your connectivity, the more Perfection you have and the more power you possess over every aspect of your life.

Read what people are saying about going through the RUDAR Programs.

Tom Cade testimonial for The RUDAR Method


My name is Tom Cade, and I want to discuss my experience going through The RUDAR Method for curbing my drinking habit in the fall of 2021. Being an introvert makes it hard to express my feelings and thoughts to others, even if I've known them for a long time. I knew Jack was working on The RUDAR Method for his drinking problem this past year or two, so I was interested to see if it would help me in my journey to a healthier lifestyle with less drinking. I observed how he changed his life in very positive practices, which I thought I could do with his help.

I was very open to combining a proven nutrition solution with The RUDAR Method. Filtering out all the toxicity in my unconscious mind and positively shifting my belief systems and dysfunctional behaviors to curb my drinking habit was very attractive. I knew I needed help in changing my previous behaviors. Still, I couldn't go to a private retreat program to seek intense treatment, and I wasn't willing to join an organization that insisted I stand up and state that I am an alcoholic for the rest of my life.

Going through the RUDAR Method and protocol with Jack as a mentor/coach has opened my eyes to a completely different world that is positive and loving. I now have a new lease on life and plan on doing better for the world and the people who come into my life in the future. I now believe I am in total control of my feelings and beliefs that alcohol no longer controls my behavior for the worse. I found that the weekly meetings for an hour were enough time to go through the journaling and talk about successes and problem areas that needed extra attention. Listening to the RUDAR audio every night helped me sleep better and wake up more positively to tackle whatever the day was going to give. Watching the various videos on nutrition and other videos specific to my particular challenges in life has opened my eyes like never before.

The RUDAR Method has helped me better understand how vital the correct nutrient balance can be to help the body by promoting better health from within. I am now adding to my RUDAR Method other areas in my life that I would like to improve so I can give everything I have every second of the day. I am working on the following areas to increase my productivity and skill sets. In no particular order, Fear of success, attention to detail, low self-esteem, and communication.


My drinking is no longer a habit. Now, I drink only a couple of beers or a glass of wine once or at most twice a week. My future goal for curbing my drinking is to only drink on two occasions per month, hopefully by the end of summer. Then, who knows, maybe be ultimately a nondrinker of alcohol. As Jack says, it all starts with DESIRE.

UPDATE Aug 2023:

The latest phase in my journey started in May 2023. I wanted to go without alcohol for 45 days to give my liver time to heal and lose an extra 10 lbs in 3 months. Well, it turned out that I went a whole 60 days without drinking. I then gave myself a two-week interval to drink before starting the next 45-day cycle. I only drank on 7 of those 15 days. I have lost 7 lbs so far. I want to lose another 5 lbs before October. My new regime will be to go 45-60 days without drinking, then give myself 15 days to drink when I feel like it. After a year or two in this new regiment, I will see if I can be alcohol-free for the rest of my life.

Michelle Ehresman's RUDAR  testimonial.
Simply put, the RUDAR technique completely changed my life. By simply aligning myself with the techniques guided by the principles that this book provides, small changes became enormous changes. I found amazing happiness which then led to great abundance. I took that energy and inspiration and turned it into action.
Those actions led to a great increase in opportunities, which manifested in financial gain. Not only is my health the best it’s ever been, but I feel at least 25 years younger. I am almost 50 pounds lighter and I positively affect everyone around me. I really do light up the room when I walk in and people are drawn to me. I have nothing short of inspiration to offer as I walk the walk.
I am literally watching not only my personal world, but the actual world around me change simply because I allowed myself to re-emerge as my authentic self. I am beyond grateful to have been exposed to the ever giving laws that RUDAR teaches, and I thank Jack Robinson from the bottom of my heart.
April's testimonial.
I understand the RUDAR law and application. I have been up close and personal working with the RUDAR team for a long time. Michelle Ehresman went through a total mind, body, and soul transformation that I witnessed. I am NOW a believer that the RUDAR Law and application works. 
I sighed up for the Platinum RUDAR Package. The consulting I received, the insight into myself, and the design of my custom RUDAR are dead on. I am now actively using my customized RUDAR with great confidence it will work for me too.

Journeyed through every diet, faithfully followed every influencer's advice, but still lacking the transformation you yearn for?
The Loop of Letdowns:

Overwhelmed by the sea of contradictory health and fitness information, unsure about whom or what to trust?
The Battle with Time:

Tried your best to squeeze in fitness routines, but life's relentless pace keeps throwing you off track?
The Reality of Aging:

Watched the number on the scale yo-yo, despite trying multiple diets and weight loss regimes?
The Relentless Scale:

Noticed signs of aging, despite every lotion, potion, and regimen you've applied, leaving you anxious about the march of time?
The Reality of Aging:

Burned a hole in your pocket, chasing after high-end products, promising miracles but delivering minimal results?
Sacrificed Wallet:

Dreaming of a fitter body, revitalized energy, and rejuvenated appearance, but feel like they remain just out of grasp?
Unfulfilled Desires:

The Four Basic Pillars Of Success

The Understanding and consistent, easy-to-use “RUDAR”® Application can provide you with the Four Basic Pillars Of Success and much more.

Radiant Health

Abundant Wealth

Magnetic Beauty

Amazing Happiness

It's more than just maintaining a fit physique. True wellness is a harmony of mind, emotions, and spirit. Let RUDAR® help your subconscious steer you toward this balance.
Radiant Health - Feel Your Best:

Real wealth is more than what's in your bank account. It’s the ability to spot life’s golden opportunities. With RUDAR, the synergy between your conscious and subconscious sharpens, making every chance clearer and more accessible.
Abundant Wealth - See Opportunities Everywhere:

True beauty resonates from within. Boost your confidence and let it shine. With RUDAR's guidance, your natural glow becomes irresistible, attracting positivity wherever you go.
Magentic Beauty - Glow from Within:

When your conscious and subconscious are in sync, life's small moments become treasures. With RUDAR®, joy is not an occasional visitor but a constant companion.
Amazing Happiness - Find Happiness in Little Things:

Why This Book?

In “The Secret Formula for Winning,” you will learn how to apply the RUDAR® law to manifest radiant health, abundant wealth, magnetic beauty, and amazing happiness.

This book is not like other self-help or manifestation books out there. It's not just about positive thinking or visualization. It's about taking real action and staying committed to your goals with absolute belief. J. Matthew Robinson will guide you through the process, helping you to overcome any obstacles or challenges that may arise.

"Hover over the book cover image to enlarge the text for easier reading."

Can Anyone Be A Winner?

let's take a sneak peek to see what the reader will discover inside this book

As we pull back the curtain revealing the mystery and answers the age-old question, what is the secret formula for winning? Well, winners come in all shapes and sizes all types of backgrounds all levels of education and from all areas around the world.

The questions many of us ask is, why do some people win and others don't? How do people get what they want and lose what they've got? Find the answer and get it back again but this time keep it.

What does winning in life really mean? It certainly isn't just about the money. There are countless people around the world who have a ton of money are ugly in nature and in poor health whose partner no longer loves them and their children can't stand them. On the flip side, it's not all about having a great relationship; It's also not about having a loving family true winning is about having it all.

What Defines A Winner?

Deep down, winning is the same for most of us we all secretly want the same things from Life. Radiant Health, where we are pain free and are living a life of fantastic well-being. We've learned how easy it is to naturally slow and stop and yes even reverse the aging process by 10, 20, 30 years or more. We've solved our money issues once and for all.

Having abundant wealth is ours to find. Of course, it’s different for each person we have captured magnetic Beauty where our Persona is infectious. People just love to be close and around us we make them feel good when we show up.

Last but not least, winning is about living a full life of amazing happiness, all with the tenderness and strength of a lifelong loving partner. Winning is about having it all inside and in this book we'll explore how you can HAVE IT ALL!

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Forswearing the use of Lorem Ipsum wouldn't have helped, won't help now. It's like saying you're.

About Jack Robinson

I have spent the past thirty years studying “The RUDAR® Law” and attempting to apply it, sometimes correctly, sometimes not. When I did not use it successfully, let’s say the end game was not pretty. But, when I applied “The Law” correctly, it worked phenomenally.

“The RUDAR®Law” catapulted me into the left seat of my high-performance airplanes, into the pitch black of night, over mountains, into the clouds, rain, and turbulence, and then delivered me back down to each once again, unscathed.

Correctly applying “The RUDAR® Law” brought me abundant wealth accompanied by all makes and models of exotic cars and beautiful beach homes complete with private gates nestled along the California Gold Coast. Appling “The Law” correctly bestowed me fabulous vacations worldwide, wine, gourmet food, spectacular hotels and resorts, the works! What “The Law” did not bring me was long-lasting health, a forever-loving relationship, and happiness. That was not the fault of “The RUDAR® Law.” The failure was my own for not clearly understanding what I wanted and how to manifest and properly live a meaningful life of total abundance.

It took a long time, and at times it was a difficult journey. But I can honestly say I am beyond words when expressing my joy and relief at the fact that I made it through and have lived to tell about it. I have thrown off the shackles of bondage, am healthier now than what seems like forever, and am actively manifesting everything I have ever desired.

The Secret Formula for Winning, using the RUDAR Law, is not intended to be about me or my journey. Instead, it examines and explains why we keep coming up short and what to do about it once and for all.