9 Solfeggio Frequencies

Sound is vibration. The entire Universe is vibrating in perfect harmony with itself except for humanity. All 9 Solfeggio frequencies that make up the Universe’s vibration waves are defined in the list below and are embedded into each Rudar product we design. This vital component is designed to bring your body’s vibrations into harmony with the creative force’s waves. As this attunement grows, the client’s ability to Co-create with this force increases exponentially.

J. Mathew Robinson

174 Hz — is the lowest of the tones and appears to work as a natural anesthetic. It tends to reduce physical pain, and charge your karmic energy. 174 Hz frequency gives your organs a sense of security, safety, and love, motivating them to do their best.

285 Hz — is valuable for treating wounds, cuts, burns, or any other form of damaged tissue. This Solfeggio frequency is said to have a fantastic ability to remember what should be and to return cells to their original forms, directly connecting to our body, mind and soul’s blueprint for optimal health and physical wellbeing. It influences your energy fields, sending them messages to restructure damaged organs. 285 Hz is about remembering and healing you, your internal organs, and your energy.

396 Hz — cleanses feelings of guilt (often one of the primary obstacles to realization), enabling the achievement of goals in the most direct way. It releases you from feelings of guilt and fear by calling up your defense mechanisms. This Solfeggio frequency can also be incredibly beneficial for grounding, sobering, waking, and returning to reality.

417 Hz — is connected by way of resonance or amplification processes. “Re” can “delete” a person’s “alienation from God” and enable returning to the “right path.” This Solfeggio frequency cleanses your mind of traumatic experiences and clears the destructive influences of past events. It is effective at clearing limiting impressions, which disable the person from achieving their life goals. The “Re” tone encourages the cell and its DNA to function optimally. A 417 Hz sound energizes your cells and helps them to use their creative potentials.

528 Hz — is used to return human DNA to its original, perfect state. If used by communicating the wanted outcome and energy support from the “light,” miracles will happen! DNA repair is beneficial—increased life energy, clarity of mind, awareness, awakened or activated creativity, ecstatic states like deep inner peace, dance, and celebration. It also opens the person for profound spiritual experiences and spiritual enlightenment.

639 Hz — enables the creation of harmonious community and harmonious interpersonal relationships. It helps to deal with relationship problems—in the family, between partners, friends, or with your society. It will also encourage the cell to communicate with its environment. This Solfeggio frequency enhances communication, understanding, tolerance, and love. 639 Hz facilitates contacting parallel worlds or spiritual spheres by imbuing you with the vibrational energies of the spiritual world. It will enable you to experience Oneness—our true nature.

741 Hz —cleans toxins from the cell. Frequent use leads to a healthier, simpler life with a diet free from poisons and toxins. It also purges different kinds of electromagnetic radiation from your cells. This frequency is also useful for clearing infections—viral, bacterial, and fungal. This tone leads you to a pure, stable, and spiritual life.

852 Hz —connects directly to the third eye chakra and is used as means for awakening inner strength & self-realization. It helps return flow to stagnant mental energy from over-thinking. It is said to clear up energy blockages that hinder clear and strong communication with our higher self, spirit guides, and spirit helpers. 852 Hz can be used as a pure tone or as a background sound to other audio.

963 Hz — awakens any system to its original, perfect state and activates the pineal gland. It is connected with the Light and all-embracing Spirit and enables direct experience, returning us to the “oneness” of our true nature.

Taken in part from: Powerthoughtsmeditationclub.com